When I think Plantronics I think, headsets, call centers, skype, perhaps some gaming. If you want to listen to music, you want it to be wireless from you phone and you want quality, you don't really have other options. Raise them up to your head, it answers an incoming call or resumes the music. Very useful feature - drop phones from head to your neck (you can turn the cups facing down, making it easier to keep there) and it stops a phone call or pauses music. The headphones talk to you, tellling connections, battery level etc eery time you turn them on.

I've charged the phones (using microusb) maybe once every 3 days and never had real issues. I've never been able to run it down during the day, my phone runs out of battery much sooner. There are leds to show the battery level should you need them. The battery easily survives all through the day no matter how much music you listen to.

Negative: sometimes (with iphone 6+) next/prev and volume stop responding, all others work. Plenty of options available right from the phones. Push left side to pause/play, roll left to next/prevous track, push at the bottom to enable "talk mode" to discuss with people while wearing phones, push right to answer/end a call, roll right to adjust volume, etc. There's plenty of buttons/dials on the headphones. It plays all effortlessly, loud enough (should I want it to) and everything just sounds wonderful to me. Anything I listen to I've no complaints on the sound quality over bluetooth. (of which most of my music consists of, kizomba being rather bass heavy, check Elizio - Make Love on Tempo to see what I mean, available on Spotify). I listen to all kinds of music from classical to pop to rock to heavy metal to rap to bachata/kizomba/etc. Bass goes low, it's responsive enough for me. Compared to that stereo set this one matches it easily.
If you are, you probably want to stay as far away from bluetooth headphones as you can, though. To give you some perspective my highest cost stereo set (2 main speakers, amp and sub) has been around 4ke so I'm not an audiophile. I'm blown away by almost every single thing they do for me. I ordered these without much planning, just thought I'd see what they are.

I bought these to be able to listen to at least some music while still being able to answer my incoming calls (of which I get way too much). If you need a utility headphone with bluetooth and noise canceling, these are definitely worth the money and provide awesome sound. Comes with a purple-lined case that is nice and purple cord with volume controls and a purple USB cord for charging / updating. So, the little comfort issue is not major for me because they are a great all-around headphone. The over-the-ear headphones I have used before have been smaller, so not much of an issue with comfort, but also much less sound. They don't seem to compress against my head too hard and the padding is soft enough, so I think it is the weight pushing down on my head, that after a while begins to hurt after about 45 minutes to an hour. It's probably a combination of weight and the fact that I wear glasses. My main gripe is that the top of my head hurts after a long flight. The headphones turn off as soon as you take them off which has saved me several times because I forget to turn them off and I'm relieved to see that there is plenty of battery for noise-cancelling on my trip home. Would like to try them with a headphone amp. I use them on my Samsung Note 4 and 5 with great sound, but tend to be at the higher end of the volume for the phone. You can adjust the volume on the right side by turning a dial which is nice if your player is not easily accessible, but part of the reason behind the large size. When you turn the set on, a voice tells you the battery level. These headphones have NFC, which I have used on a limited basis, but it works the way you expect it with audio cues telling you everything is connected. They do a great job of subtracting out background airplane noise and because of their size, other random noise as well. I like a nice rounded sound without a lot of bass and these do that well in my opinion. As far as sound goes, these are my favorite, but I don't have a lot of over-the-ear experience to compare with. I've used Bose and lots of in-ear earphones before. I've had these for over a year now and use them primarily while traveling.